Friday, March 19, 2010

IM on the go with Messenger on your phone. Try now.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Stay in touch. Get Messenger on your phone now.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

March 1 2008
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 pull ups
100 squats

13:20 sec

YEAH BUDDY!! I did it. Believe it or not, I have had difficulty sticking to a program ever since I finished University Baseball. And even then, the occasional "bender" got in the way but this past month the only thing that got in my way was a little stomach flu but I stuck to it. I'd like to thank Chris for the challenge, crossfit for the challenges, mike for chirping, and God.  I will re-evaluate
- vertical (22 inch)
- weighted chinup (25 lb 3 times).
- 5 K row 23 min

My clothes are fitting tighter up top and looser down below, and I've managed to weigh in at 194 lbs yesterday. 

I will continue to participate in crossfit, maybe not as religious as this past month because I would like to explore other workout regiments, but I can't walk away from those daily challenges forever!

Catalyst Fitness Inc.
498 Queen St. East, 2nd Floor
Sault Ste. Marie

Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday Feb 29, 2008

3-3-3-3-3 Back Squat

Feb 4th I recall doing the exact same workout.  This is great because I get a chance to see how much I improved.  Last time I did 255 for 5 sets of 3.  Today 255 for 3, 265 and then a 270.  I feel really powerful in the glutes and my squat flexibility has increased noticeably! Tomorrow is the last day of this one month project.....
But I may be hooked on a routine.

Thursday Feb 28

10, 95lb sumo high pull
10 ring dips
7 rounds.

6 min and 35 sec. This kind of felt like a vacation from the last workout I did.  Although those sumo high pull do a number on the old glutes!

Catalyst Fitness Inc.
498 Queen St. East, 2nd Floor
Sault Ste. Marie

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tuesday Feb 26, 2008
5 Rounds for time:
400 m
50 squats
30 back extensions
My time: 33 min
Now, reflecting back on just a couple days ago, I recall running 5 800m.  And here we are, Tuesday and I'm running 5 400m laps.  I didn't have access to the George Leach track today so I substituted a 1min 30 sec 15 meter shuttle run.  Basically, I took the time it would take me to run 400 m.  I felt great right up to the back extensions.  I've had trouble trying to do these in a circuit once before and once again my lower back was totally ceased after 2 sets. I spent about 10 min totally lying on the floor trying to loosen up the death grip on my lower back.  I eventuallly substituted in reverse hypers and then finished up the last two sets on the hamstring curl machine.  I feel great now though!
Monday Feb 25, 2008
1-1-1-1-1 Shoulder press  I lifted - 145
3-3-3-3-3 Push press                 - 155
5-5-5-5-5 Push jerk                    - 135
A nice upper body strength and power day.  I loved it.  It's a great feeling to lift heavy ass weight over your head.
Sunday Feb 24
5 Rounds
30 70 lb db swing
30 pull ups
WHAT! The longest workout so far. (47 min...aprox)  It you have a spare hour and don't just want to go for a boring jog, try this little number.  You might want to bring a friend drag you home.

Catalyst Fitness Inc.
498 Queen St. East, 2nd Floor
Sault Ste. Marie